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September 29, 2011

Looking at Old Age … Nobody Told Me what to Expect

by Val Reynolds
Diana, a fiesty lady at Speakers' Corner © Pintail Media

Diana, a fiesty lady at Speakers' Corner © Pintail Media

Nobody Told Me! … what I could expect when I reached 70 years of age
Nobody told me about the tiredness you feel when all you want to do is doze off for a short period especially after lunch.
Nobody told me that young men would ask my advice, in all seriousness. Gosh how flattering but what a terrifying responsibility.
Nobody told me that young mothers welcome a smile, and older folk than me also like one too.
Nobody told me that I would more often be given the best bit of the roast beef and the best crunchy crackling from the pork!
Nobody told me that young people in supermarkets would often treat me as mentally deficient when it came to sorting out coins!
Nobody told me how much I would enjoy sitting on a park bench watching the world go by.
Nobody told me how little notice I attract, which gives me unexpected opportunities to be outrageous!
Nobody told me that young children would take my hand and ask to help me across the zebra crossing!
Nobody told me how beautiful the sky is, I spend a lot of time watching clouds pass by.
Nobody told me my joints would start to ache and I would get stiff. But then there are lots of others with the same problem who have given me the remedies.
Nobody told me that the cloud of life’s complications slowly fade away and all becomes clear.
Which all adds up to being much more laid back than I have ever been and more tolerant of my fellow planet inhabitants.
Long live life!
I’m so glad I woke up today!
Kate Campbell, Contributing Author

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